Upload Files

Frontend Creator provides the ability to upload files for saving to the server via drag and drop.

Upload files

In order to create a new project, you need to click on the new project icon on the Navigation Panel.

Upload files

When preparing to upload files, it is important that you have a folder selected first. You will received a toast notification stating that you first need to select the root or any child folder of your project before that system will allow you to drag and drop files.

Once you have selected a folder, you will notice that the Projects area will display what folder you have selected.

Upload files

Next, drag and drop some files from your desktop onto the Projects area and release. In this example we are going to selected a parent folder that has multiple files as well as a sub-folder.

Upload files

After you drop the files, it may take a second or two depending on the number of files. The files are simply added to the selected folder and opened in the editor for review.

Upload files

In order to complete the upload process, you need to commit your changes back to the server.

Upload files

The system will take a few seconds, depending on the number of files you dropped, to save to the repository. After you save, the tabs will reflect no changes.

Upload files

Currently, uploading images will open an empty tab. It isn't until after you save that the tab will update to show the corresponding image. This is due to the image preview pointing to the file on the server instead of in memory.

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